C++ programs

C++ programs are frequently asked in the interview. These programs can be asked from basics, array, string, pointer, linked list, file handling etc. Let's see the list of top c++ programs.

1) fibonacci series

Write a c++ program to print fibonacci series without using recursion and using recursion.

Input: 8
Output:1  1 2 3 5 8 13 21
Program details 

2) Prime number

Write a c++ program to check prime number.

Input: 17

Output: not prime number

Input: 57

Output: prime number

Program details 

3) Prime number up to N number

Write a program series of prime number up to N number using c++.

Input: 25

Output: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23

Program details 

4) Palindrome number

Write a c++ program to check palindrome number.

Input: 12421

Output: not palindrome number

Input: 113

Output: palindrome number

Program details 

5) Factorial

Write a c++ program to print factorial of a number.

Input: 5

Output: 120

Input: 6

Output: 720

Program details 

6) Armstrong number

Write a c++ program to check armstrong number.

Input: 371

Output: armstrong

Input: 342

Output: not armstrong
Program details 

7) Sum of Digits
Write a c++ program to print sum of digits.

Input: 23

Output: 5

Input: 624

Output: 12
Program details 

8) Reverse Number

Write a c++ program to reverse given number.

Input: 234

Output: 432
Program details 

9) Swap two numbers without using third variable

Write a c++ program to swap two numbers without using third variable.

Input: a=5 b=10

Output: a=10 b=5
Program details 

10) Matrix Multiplication

Write a c++ program to print multiplication of 2 matrices.
first matrix elements:
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
second matrix elements
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 1

multiplication of the matrix:
14 9 8
14 9 8
14 9 8

Program details 

11) Decimal to Binary

Write a c++ program to convert decimal number to binary.

Input: 9

Output: 1001

Input: 20

Output: 10100
Program details 

12) Alphabet Triangle

Write a c++ program to print alphabet triangle.



Program details 

13) Number Triangle

Write a c++ program to print number triangle.

Input: 7


enter the range= 6


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